42 Day Stronger for Good Challenge

February 16, 2021
It takes 21 days to make a habit, but it takes twice as long to make that habit stick and see real changes!! Join Anytime Fitness 42 Day Stronger For Good Challenge! $2000 in cash prizes will be given away to the top winners! Make the change for good this year!
What’s included in my 42-Day Challenge?
- Kickoff meeting
- Pre-challenge body composition analysis
- Unlimited group training sessions
- Meal prep guide & recipe e-book
- Weekly education and challenges
- Access to a live coach & variety of workouts
- Post-challenge body composition analysis
- Finale meeting
How do I win the 42-Day Challenge?
- Whether your main goal is to lose weight and/or gain muscle mass, you have an opportunity to win this
Stronger For Good 42-Day Challenge!
- Winners will be determined by measuring changes in Total Body Water, Dry Lean Mass, and Body Fat
Mass using our Body Composition Scale. Top 4 Male and 4 female participants with the largest positive
total change in those categories will be deemed winners. In order to qualify, each participant must
complete a body composition scan during the week before and after the challenge, and must attend at
minimum of 10 Group Training sessions. No more than one session per day counts towards the 10 total
sessions to qualify.